ANR8313E Volumevolume name is not present in library library name.
Explanation: Amount request is made for the given volume in the specified
library,but the volume is not currently checked into the library.
SystemAction: The mount operation fails. If the volume is being mounted for
storage pool I/O (as opposed to import/export I/O), itsACCESS attribute is changed
to UNAVAILABLEto prevent further mount requests.
User Response: Issuea CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command to return the volume
into the library,and update the volumes ACCESS attribute to READONLY or
READWRITE using the UPDATEVOLUME command. Retry the mount request.
ANR8313E (AS/400)
Volumevolume name is not present in library library name.
Explanation: Amount request is made for the given volume in the specified
library,but the volume is not currently checked into the library.
SystemAction: The mount operation fails. If the volume is being mounted for
storage pool I/O (as opposed to import/export I/O), itsACCESS attribute is changed
to UNAVAILABLEto prevent further mount requests.
User Response: Issuea CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command to introduce the
volume into the library,and then update the volume ACCESS attribute to
ANR8314E Library library name is full.
Explanation: Alibrary operation fails because all of the library’s storage locations
are occupied.
SystemAction: The operation fails.
User Response: Issuea CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME command to make room in
the library.Retry the library operation.
ANR8314E (AS/400)
Library library name is full.
Explanation: An attempt has been made to add a volume to the library.The
operation fails because all of the library’sstorage locations are occupied.
SystemAction: The operation fails.
User Response: Issuea CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME command to make room in
the library.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages