ANR1438W Skipping device configuration file: devconfig file name.
Explanation: While attempting to read device configuration information from a
defined device configuration file, the server encounters problems in processing the
definitions included in the file.
SystemAction: The specified file is skipped, and the next one specified in the
server options file will be used.
User Response: Examineerror messages that may have been displayed prior to
this message to understand why the file could not be used. When you can start the
server again, you can refresh this file by using the BACKUP DEVCONFIG
ANR1439E Allocate prohibited - transaction failed.
Explanation: While attempting to preallocate storage on a storage pool, the server
detected that the transaction for this operation has previously failed. This error may
occur when a large file is selected for backup and the client did not properly
estimate the file size. There may not be enough space in the storage pool for the
SystemAction: An internal error is reported by the server and the operation being
performed is ended.
User Response: Examineerror messages that may have been displayed prior to
this message for more information.
ANR1440I All drives in use. Process process number being preempted by higher priority
Explanation: When a high priority operation attempted to find an available drive,
all the drives were in use. Tomake a drive available for this operation, the indicated
process is being cancelled by the system.
SystemAction: The lower priority process is cancelled to make a mount point
(drive) available.
User Response: Whena drive again becomes available, restart the process that
was cancelled. If the process was a migration or reclamation process, it will be
automatically restarted when needed. If this message appears frequently,you may
want to increase the number of drives available. See the MOUNTLIMIT parameter
on the UPDATEDEVCLASS command.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages