User Response: Waituntil the conflicting checkin or checkout has completed, and
then reissue the command.
ANR8834E Library volume volume name is still present in library library name drive drive
name, and must be removed manually.
Explanation: Library operations cannot be performed using the drive because a
volume is still mounted in it. This may be due to a prior dismount failure that
occurred on the drive.
SystemAction: The command fails. The drive may be taken offline.
User Response: See previous error messages and the system error logs to
determine the cause of the dismount failure or any other reason the volume would
still be loaded in the drive. Hardware diagnostics may be required. If neccessary,
remove the volume manually and place it in its storage cell. If the storage cell is
unknown, place the volume in any cell and issue theAUDIT LIBRARY command.
Use the QUERYDRIVE command to determine the online status of the drive. If the
drive is still functioning, change the status with the UPDATEDRIVE command.
ANR8835W Error returning volume volume name to scratch.
Explanation: The server external library manager sent a RELEASE request to the
external agent for the named volume, but the external agent was unable comply
with the request. The server,however, marked the volume scratched in its inventory;
consequently,the server inventory and the external agent inventory are not
consistent. This message is issued to inform the customer that the external agent
inventory must be made consistent with the server inventory using the facilities of
the external agent.
SystemAction: The server has returned the volume to scratch status.
User Response: Consult the documentation for the external agent and take the
appropriate action to make the agent inventory consistent with the server inventory.
ANR8836E Function RSM_function failed in server_function processing, return returncode,
call call number.
Explanation: The library function that uses theAPI to the Windows NT
Removable Storage Manager failed with a return code from theAPI. The call
number represents the exactAPI call issued in the program.
SystemAction: The function fails.
User Response: Use the RSM documentation to determine the source of the
Version 3 Release 7