ANR1694I Server server name processed command \’command\’ and completed successfully.
Explanation: The server indicated processed the command successfully.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR1695W Server server name processed command \’command\’ but completed with
Explanation: The server indicated processed the command but encountered
warnings. However, the warnings did not prevent the execution of the command.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR1696E Serverserver name attempted to process command \’command\’ but encountered
Explanation: The server indicated processed the command but encountered errors.
These errors prevented the successful completion of the command.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Examineany error messages issued on either the server sending
the command or else the server executing the command to determine the cause of
the failure. Reissue the command once these errors are corrected.
ANR1697I Command \’command\’ processed by total number for servers server(s): number
of successful servers successful, number of servers with warnings with warnings,
and number of servers with errors with errors.
Explanation: The indicated command was processed by the number of servers
specified. For the total number of servers, the number indicated were successful, the
number indicated encountered a warning condition but processed anyway,and
finally,the number indicated encountered errors and could not process.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR1698I Command \’command\’ was not issued against any other servers.
Explanation: The indicated command was not issued against any other server.
Either the routing information did not resolve to any valid servers or else failures
occurred issuing the command against the required servers. indicated number of
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages