User Response: None.
ANR1002I Migration for storage pool storage pool name will be retried in number of
seconds seconds.
Explanation: Because of a problem encountered attempting migration for the
named storage pool, migration is delayed but will be retried after the time period
SystemAction: The server waits for the specified period and then retries migration
for the storage pool. This delay applies to a single migration process.After a
number of unsuccessful retries, the server will automatically cancel the process. If
other migration processes are executing for the named storage pool, these processes
will continue migration.
User Response: If possible, correct the condition that has caused delayed
ANR1003I Migration retry delay ended; checking migration status for storage pool storage
pool name.
Explanation: Because migration for the indicated storage pool had been delayed
due to a problem, the system waited before retrying. The retry wait period has
ended, and the system will now retry migration.
SystemAction: Migration processing for the storage pool resumes.
User Response: None.
ANR1020W Migration process process ID terminated forstorage pool storage pool name -
process canceled.
Explanation: During migration for the indicated storage pool, a process
performing the migration has been canceled.
SystemAction: The migration process is terminated. If other migration processes
are executing for the named storage pool, these processes will continue migration.
User Response: None.
ANR1021W Migration process process ID terminated forstorage pool storage pool name -
storage media inaccessible.
Explanation: During migration for the indicated storage pool, a required volume
could not be mounted.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages