selective backup
Afunction that allows users to back up specific files or directories from a client
domain. Withthis function, users can back up files or directories that are not
excluded in the include-exclude list and that meet the requirement for serialization
as defined in the backup copy group of the management class assigned to the files.
Contrast with incremental backup.
sequential access media
Any volume that is accessed in a sequential manner, as opposed to a random
manner.In TSM, volumes are accessed sequentially if they reside in a device class
other than DISK.
Acopy group attribute that specifies what TSM does if files are modified during
back up or archive processing. The value of this attribute determines whether
processing continues, is retried, or is stopped. See static,dynamic,shared static, and
shared dynamic.
server The program that provides backup, archive, space management, and administrative
services to clients. The server program must be at the necessary level to provide all
of these services.
server migration
The process of moving data from one storage pool to the next storage pool as
controlled by the high and low migration thresholds. See high migration threshold
and low migration threshold.
server options file
Afile that specifies processing options for communication methods, tape handling,
pool sizes, language, and date, time, and number formats.
server-promptedscheduling mode
Aclient/server communication technique where the server contacts the client when a
scheduled operation needs to be done.
server storage
The primary and copy storage pools used by the server to store users’files: backup
versions, archive copies, and files migrated from Tivoli Space Manager client nodes
(space-managed files). See primary storage pool,copy storage pool,storage pool
volume, and volume.
session resource usage
The amount of wait time, CPU time, and space used or retrieved during a client
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages