User Response: Reissue the command and specify a different library name, or
define the library before reissuing the command.
ANR8410I Library library name deleted.
Explanation: The designated library has been deleted successfully.
SystemAction: The library is deleted.
User Response: None.
ANR8410I (AS/400)
Library library name deleted.
Explanation: The designated library has been deleted successfully.
SystemAction: The library is deleted.
User Response: None.
ANR8411E Command:One or more drives are still defined in library library name.
Explanation: The designated library cannot be deleted because there are still
drives defined within it.
SystemAction: The command is not processed.
User Response: Delete all drives from the library,and reissue the command.
Command: One or more drives arestill defined in library library name.
Explanation: The designated library cannot be deleted because there are still
drives defined within it.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Delete all drives from the library,and reissue the command.
ANR8412I Drive drive name deleted from library library name.
Explanation: The designated drive has been deleted successfully from the
specified library.
SystemAction: The drive is deleted.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7