ANS1262E The active policy set does not contain any backup copy groups. If you continue
with the incremental backup, any currently backed up files are deactivated on
the server and assigned the Backup Grace Period.
Explanation: Youtried to back up the files using a policy set that contains no
backup management information (the copy group). None of the management classes
within the active policy set contain any backup copy groups.
SystemAction: If you continue with the incremental backup, the workstation file
is not backed up, and any backup versions currently residing in data storage are
assigned to the backup retention grace period defined for the policy domain. TSM
prompts you for a yes or no response.
User Response: Replyyes to accept the Backup Grace Retention Period or no to
cancel the operation. If you cancel the operation, you can retry the incremental
backup by creating a management class that has a backup copy group and bind the
file to that management class in your include-exclude list. If unsuccessful, see your
system administrator for more information.
ANS1263E The active policy set does not contain any backup copy groups. Unable to
continue with selective backup.
Explanation: Youtried to do a selective backup and have specified a policy set
that does not contain a backup management information (the copy group).
SystemAction: TSM did not backup the file.
User Response: Createa management class that has a backup copy group, bind
the file to that management class in your include-exclude list, and retry the
operation. If unsuccessful, see your system administrator for more information.
ANS1264E The active policy set does not contain any archive copy groups. Unable to
continue with archive.
Explanation: Youtried to archive a file or group of files and have specified a
policy set that does not contain an archive management information (the copy
SystemAction: TSM did not archive the file.
User Response: Createa management class that has an archive copy group, assign
the file to the management class, either through your include-exclude list or with the
ARCHMC option, and retry the operation. If unsuccessful, see your system
administrator for more information.
ANS1268E This file has been migrated.
Explanation: File has been migrated. If files that are hard linked together are
migrated then files subsequent to the first one encountered get this.
SystemAction: File is skipped.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7