ACO0616E ANamed pipe name is required.
Explanation: The chosen protocol was Named Pipe. However, there was no value
entered for the Named Pipe Name.
SystemAction: The Options File Editor will be redisplayed.
User Response: Pressthe Settings button on the Options File Editor and enter a
value for the Named Pipe Name. Or, you may choose to cancel from the editor.
ACO0617E ANetBIOS name is required.
Explanation: The chosen protocol was NetBIOS. However, there was no value
entered for the NetBIOS Name.
SystemAction: The Options File Editor will be redisplayed.
User Response: Pressthe Settings button on the Options File Editor and enter a
value for the NetBIOS Name. Or, you may choose to cancel from the editor.
ACO0618E ANetBIOS servername is required
Explanation: The chosen protocol was NetBIOS. However, there was no value
entered for the NetBIOS Server Name.
SystemAction: The Options File Editor will be redisplayed.
User Response: Pressthe Settings button on the Options File Editor and enter a
value for the NetBIOS Server Name. Or, you may choose to cancel from the editor.
ACO0619E An IPX socket value is required.
Explanation: The chosen protocol was IPX/SPX. However, there was no value
entered for the IPX socket.
SystemAction: The Options File Editor will be redisplayed.
User Response: Pressthe Settings button on the Options File Editor and enter a
value for the IPX socket. Or, you may choose to cancel from the editor.
ACO0620E An IPX server address is required.
Explanation: The chosen protocol was IPX/SPX. However, there was no value
entered for the IPX ServerAddress.
SystemAction: The Options File Editor will be redisplayed.
User Response: Pressthe Settings button on the Options File Editor and enter a
value for the IPX ServerAddress. Or, you may choose to cancel from the editor.
ACO1604E Unable to obtain message number %1!u! from %2
Explanation: An error occurred while obtaining a message from the message
SystemAction: Processing continues.
User Response: Verify that the correctAgent message DLL is installed. If the
error continues contact IBMADSM support.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
17. Tivoli Data Protection
for Microsoft SQL