ANS8014E Insufficient information to connect to host.
Explanation: The client options file or command line, or both, do not contain
enough communications information to successfully connect to the server system.
For example, with TCP/IPboth the TCPPort number and TCPServer address are
required to make a connection.
SystemAction: The administrative client session is ended.
User Response: Determinewhat information is needed to establish a connection
for your communications method and then specify all that information in your client
options file or on the administrative client command line.
ANS8015E File ’file spec’, error code error code from options processing.
Explanation: An unknown error code is returned from the routine that processes
the client options file.
SystemAction: The administrative client session is ended.
User Response: Attemptto determine the error and correct it. If the problem
persists, contact your service representative.
ANS8016E Command line parameter parameter number:’parameter’ is too long.
Explanation: The specified command line parameter exceeds the maximum length
for a command line parameter.
SystemAction: The administrative client session is ended.
User Response: Reissuethe command with a shorter parameter.
ANS8017E Command line parameter parameter number:’parameter’ is not valid.
Explanation: The command line parameter shown is not a valid administrative
client parameter.
SystemAction: The administrative client session is ended.
User Response: Reissuethe command with valid parameters.
ANS8018E Administrative command not valid in Console mode.
Explanation: The Console Mode option has been specified but the client
encounters what appears to be a server command on the command line.
SystemAction: The administrative client session is ended.
User Response: Reissuethe command with no server command.
ANS8019E Id and password must be supplied in Batch mode.
Explanation: Aserver command has been encountered on the command line, but
no administrator ID or password, or both, are specified.
SystemAction: The administrative client session is ended.
User Response: Reissuethe command and include the -ID and -PASSWORD
parameters on the command line.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
14. Administrative
Command Line Client