ANS1016E Session rejected: Unexpected LAN error.Unknown cause. See your system
Explanation: An unexpected LAN error occurred.
SystemAction: Communications link is not established.
User Response: Theseerrors may be caused by a failure on the LAN external to
TSM. See your system administrator to ensure that your LAN is operating properly.
ANS1017E Session rejected: TCP/IPconnection failure
Explanation: An attempt to connect to the server using TCP/IPcommunications
failed. This error can occur if the LAN connection went down or if your system
administrator canceled a backup operation.
SystemAction: Session rejected. Processing stopped.
User Response: Retrythe operation, or wait until the server comes back up and
retry the operation. If the problem continues, see your system administrator for
further help.
ANS1018E Session rejected: NETBIOS name error
Explanation: An attempt to add the client NETBIOS name failed, or an attempt to
call the server NETBIOS name failed.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Verify that your NETBIOSNAME option value is unique. Verify
that your NETBIOSSERVERNAMEoption value is correct. Verify that the server
has NETBIOS support running. If the problem continues, see your system
administrator for further help.
ANS1019E Session rejected: NETBIOS timeout
Explanation: Atimeout occurred when transmitting data with the NETBIOS
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Makesure the server is operational. Youmay need to increase the
NETBIOSTIMEOUT value or use a value of 0 for no timeout. If the problem
continues, see your system administrator for further help.
ANS1020E Session rejected: NETBIOS not installed
Explanation: The product for NETBIOS is not installed.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Verify that the product for NETBIOS, such as the LAN Support
Program, is installed. If the problem continues, see your system administrator for
further help.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
7. Client Common