ANR6687E Command: Executable command string exceeds maximum length characters.
Explanation: The length of the executable command string specified with the
CMD parameter exceeds the maximum length of allowable characters (255).
SystemAction: The server stops processing the command.
User Response: Issuethe command again and specify a valid executable command
with the CMD parameter.
ANR6690E Command: Copy storage pool cstgp name not defined for Offsite Recovery
Explanation: The MOVE DRMEDIAor QUERY DRMEDIA command displays
the message. The indicated command was issued with a copy storage pool name
specified, but the specified pool name is not defined to DRM for Offsite Recovery
SystemAction: The indicated command is not processed.
User Response: Reissuethe command, after defining the specified copy storage
pool to DRM for Offsite Recovery Media.
ANR6691E Command: No match is found for this move.
Explanation: The indicated command was issued, but no matching volumes are
defined to the server or the volume specified is not managed by the command.
SystemAction: The command is not processed.
User Response: Reissuethe command specifying the valid volume.
ANR6694E Command: The ORM state state is invalid for a volume with access mode access
Explanation: The indicated command specifies an Offsite Recovery Media state
that is invalid for a volume with the access mode shown. Specify COURIER or
COURIERRETRIEVE for a volume that has access mode of OFFSITE.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Reissuethe command specifying COURIER or
COURIERRETRIEVE as the state for a volume that has access mode of OFFSITE.
ANR6695E Command: Device class device class name not defined for volume volume name.
Explanation: The MOVE DRMEDIAor QUERY DRMEDIA command displays
the message. The volume being processed has associated with the device class name
shown that is not defined to the server.
Version 3 Release 7