ANR3152I Configuration refresh started with configuration managerserver name.
Explanation: Configuration refresh processing has started.A server-to-server
session was opened to receive configuration information from the configuration
manager.Updates will be sent for objects associated with any subscribed-to profiles.
SystemAction: Refresh processing continues.
User Response: None.
ANR3153I Configuration refresh ended successfully with configuration managerserver
Explanation: Configuration refresh processing ended successfully.All updates
have been made to managed objects associated with any subscribed-to profiles.
SystemAction: Server processing continues. The next automatic refresh will start
when the configuration refresh interval is reached.
User Response: None.
ANR3154E Communicationerror on notify to managed server server name. Will retryin
minutes minutes.
Explanation: While attempting a notify subscriber request to the specified
managed server, a communications error was detected.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. The notify subscriber request was
stopped and will be automatically retried.
User Response: Perhapsthe managed server is not active. If the problem
continues, contact the administrator for the managed server, or contact a network
administrator.The notify subscriber request will automatically retry several times
and then give up.
ANR3155E Error attempting notify subscribers request to managed serverserver.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. The notify subscriber request failed.
User Response: Examinethe activity log for other messages that may explain why
the notify subscriber request failed.
ANR3156E Configurationrefresh failed for managed server server name.
Explanation: While sending configuration information to the specified managed
server, processing failed.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. The configuration refresh process
Version 3 Release 7