ANR3503E Generation of backup set for node name as set name failed.
Explanation: The named object for the specified node was not created.An error
was encountered causing the creation of this object set not to complete successfully.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Evaluateother messages that were issued and try to determine the
cause of the failure.After determining the cause of the failure, retry the command.
If the cause can not be determined, please contact your local service representative.
IfANR3504W was received, than an error occurred while logging the volumes used
to the server volume history.It is possible to issue a DEFINE BACKUPSET listing
these volumes. That would cause the server to create the necessary entries for this
backup set on this server.
ANR3504W Backup set for node name as set name was not able to log the volumes used for
this operation to the server volume history.
Explanation: The named object for the specified node was created. However,
when the process attempted to add the volumes, used for this operation to the
volume history for the server, an error occurred and this could not be completed.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Reviewother messages issued to determine which volumes where
used for to generate this backup set. The volumes can be inserted into the server
volume history for use by issuing a DEFINE BACKUPSET and listing these
volumes. This will also allow this backup set to be queried from a client as well
since there is not a server entry for this backup set. Only issue the DEFINE
BACKUPSET if this generate backup set operation completed successfully.
ANR3505I Backup set for node name as set name used volume volume name.
Explanation: The named object for the specified node used the specified volume.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR3507I Cancel in progress
Explanation: This message is displayed in response to a QUERYPROCESS
command, and indicates that a generate backupset process has been canceled. The
process will end shortly.
SystemAction: The process terminates and server operation continues.
User Response: None.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages