ANR5455E (S/390)Devicetype volume volume name cannot be overwritten by BACKUP DB
Explanation: The specified volume already exists or contains data. The server
does not allow new backup data to be written to the volume.
SystemAction: The server detects that the given volume already contains some
data that would be overwritten by the requested backup operation.
User Response: Ifthe specified volume does not contain any valuable data, delete
it and retry the backup operation.
ANR5456E (S/390)Devicetype volume volume name cannot be overwritten by BACKUPSET
Explanation: The specified volume already exists or contains data. The server
does not allow new backupset data to be written to the volume.
SystemAction: The server detects that the given volume already contains some
data that would be overwritten by the requested backupset operation.
User Response: Ifthe specified volume does not contain any valuable data, delete
it and retry the backupset operation.
ANR5499E (S/390)command:Required parameter was not specified parameter.
Explanation: The command command has been issued, but without a required
parameter.If two parameters are listed, the command requires at least one of the
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Reissuethe command and specify the missing parameter and any
additional parameters that are required for the command. The HELPDEFINE or
HELP UPDATEcommands may be used to obtain syntax assistance.
ANR5500E (S/390)Command:Device type not specified.
Explanation: The command command has been issued, but without the DEVTYPE
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
Version 3 Release 7