SystemAction: Processing continues.
User Response: None.
ANS1073E File space correspondence for domain ’domain-name’ is not known
Explanation: The number defining the correspondence between drive letter or file
(domain name) and volume label is not known to the server.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Reportthe program error to your service representative.
ANS1074I *** User Abort ***
Explanation: An abort signal to stop an operation was received.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Continuewith normal operations.
ANS1075E *** Program memory exhausted ***
Explanation: The program has exhausted all available storage.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Freeany unnecessary programs, for example, terminate and stay
resident programs (TSRs), that are running and retry the operation. Reducing the
scope of queries and the amount of data returned can also solve the problem.
ANS1076E *** Directory path not found ***
Explanation: Youspecified an incorrect directory path.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Correctthe syntax specified and retry the operation.
ANS1077E ARCHMC Keyword is only valid for theARCHIVE subcommand
Explanation: Youentered an incorrect subcommand for the keyword ARCHMC.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Correctthe command and retry the operation.
ANS1078S *** Unknown system error error-code; program ending ***
Explanation: An unknown and unexpected error-codeoccurred within the client
program. This is a programming failure and the client program ends.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Retrythe operation. If the problem continues, see your
ANS1079E No file specification entered
Explanation: Youdid not enter a file specification as prompted.
SystemAction: TSM did not continue with the requested operation.
User Response: Entera file specification to continue.
Version 3 Release 7