ANS1808E Invalid option/value for an interactive session: ’session’
Explanation: Youentered an option that cannot be used during an interactive
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Quitout of the interactive session and try the option/value on the
command line as you start the interactive session.
ANS1809E Session is lost; initializing session reopen procedure.
Explanation: The session with the server has been lost.
SystemAction: The system will attempt to reestablish session with TSM.
User Response: None.
ANS1810E TSM session has been reestablished.
Explanation: The session with the server has been reestablished.
SystemAction: Processing will now continue.
User Response: None.
ANS1811S TSM session could not be reestablished.
Explanation: The session with the server has been lost.Attempts to reestablish the
session were unsuccessful. Possible causes include, but are not limited to the
¶The server has been halted.
¶The network connection to the server is down.
¶The communication program that TSM is interacting with has encountered some
SystemAction: Processing is stopped.
User Response: Checknetwork connection to the server. Insure that the TSM
server is running. Insure that the communication program underlying TSM is
working properly.
ANS1812E Out of storage
Explanation: The system ran out of storage resources.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Freeup extra storage to continue, and retry the operation.
ANS1813E Invalid scheduled command - ’command-name command-name command-name
Explanation: Youentered a command for schedule that is incorrect.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Enterthe command correctly and retry the operation.
Version 3 Release 7