ANR6654I Audit command: Invalid building value encountered for machine machine name -
the building value will be removed.
Explanation: Adatabase audit process encounters an invalid building value for the
machine indicated. Because FIX=YES has been specified, the audit function
removes the machine building value.
SystemAction: Audit processing continues.
User Response: To set the building value to another value, issue an UPDATE
MACHINE command after the audit command has completed.
ANR6655I Audit command: Invalid floor value encountered formachine machine name.
Explanation: Adatabase audit process encounters an invalid floor value for the
machine indicated.
SystemAction: Audit processing continues.
User Response: Issuethe command again and specify FIX=YES to correct the
floor value. Or, issue an UPDATEMACHINE command and specify a new floor
ANR6656I Audit command: Invalid floor value encountered formachine machine name - the
floor value will be removed.
Explanation: Adatabase audit process encounters an invalid floor value for the
machine indicated. Because FIX=YES has been specified, the audit function
removes the machine floor value.
SystemAction: Audit processing continues.
User Response: To set the floor value to another value, issue an UPDATE
MACHINE command after the audit command has completed.
ANR6657I Audit command: Invalid room value encountered formachine machine name.
Explanation: Adatabase audit process encounters an invalid room value for the
machine indicated.
SystemAction: Audit processing continues.
User Response: Issuethe command again and specify FIX=YES to correct the
room value. Or, issue an UPDATEMACHINE command and specify a new room
Version 3 Release 7