device type
Acategory of storage device. Each device class is categorized with one of the
supported device types, for example, DISK or CARTRIDGE.
direct access storage device (DASD)
Adevice in which access time is effectively independent of the location of the data.
disaster recovery
Recovery from catastrophic interruptions of computer systems, such as loss of the
system location because of natural events. Backup data is kept offsite to protect
against such catastrophes.
Disaster Recovery Manager
See TivoliDisaster Recovery Manager.
disaster recovery plan
Adocument that contains information about how to recover computer systems if a
disaster occurs. The TivoliDisaster Recovery Manager (DRM) product allows you
to create the plan for a TSM server.The plan is a file that contains information
about the software and hardware used by the TSM server,and the location of
recovery media.
DISK Adevice class that is defined by TSM at installation. It is used to categorize disk
drives, such as internal disk drives or 3390 DASD.
disk operating system (DOS)
An operating system used in IBM PC, PS/2, and compatible computers.
Distributed Data Management (DDM)
Afeature of the System Support Program Product that allows an application
program (client) to use server program functions to work on files that reside in a
remote system.
DLL Dynamic link library.
DLT Digitallinear tape.
domain See policy domain or client domain.
DOS Disk operating system.
Version 3 Release 7