ANR0649I Import command: Domain domain name does not exist - the system will attempt
to import node node name to domain STANDARD.
Explanation: The background import process to service the command import
command is currently processing client node node name. This node was assigned to
domain domain name at the time of export. However, domain domain name does
not exist on the server to which the import is being performed.
SystemAction: Import processing continues, but node node name will be assigned
to domain STANDARDduring import unless one of the following conditions exist:
¶Node node name is already registered and Replacedefs=No
¶Domain STANDARDdoes not exist
User Response: IfPreview=Yes, consider defining domain domain name before
nodes are actually imported. Otherwise, domain domain name can be created after
the node is imported and the UPDATENODE command can be used to assign the
node to domain domain name.
ANR0650W IMPORT:Archive copygroup copy group name in management class
management class name for domain domain name is not defined, default
management class will be used.
Explanation: During import processing, the server finds that a management class
or copy group bound to an archive file being imported does not exist in the active
policy set for the domain to which the node is assigned.
SystemAction: The default management class for the node’spolicy domain is
bound to the archive file and import processing continues.
User Response: Ifyou want to define the missing management class, an
authorized administrator may cancel the import operation, define the missing
management class or copy group for the domain, and process the import operation
ANR0651W IMPORT:Backup copygroup copy group name in management class
management class name for domain domain name is not defined, default
management class will be used.
Explanation: During import processing, the server finds that a management class
or copy group bound to a backup file being imported does not exist in the active
policy set for the domain to which the node is assigned.
SystemAction: The default management class for the node’spolicy domain is
bound to the backup file copy and import processing continues.
Version 3 Release 7