ACO2583E ANamed pipe name is required.
Explanation: The chosen protocol was Named Pipe. However, there was no value
entered for the Named Pipe Name.
SystemAction: The Options File Editor will be redisplayed.
User Response: Pressthe Settings button on the Options File Editor and enter a
value for the Named Pipe Name.
ACO2584E Failed to delete the specified options file.
Explanation: An attempt was made to delete the options file. This attempt failed.
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Itis possible that the file is a read-only file, or exists on a volume
that you do not have authority to delete from. Determine the problem and re-enter
the request.
ACO2585E The machine ran out of memory while processing the database tree.
Explanation: While preparing the tree of the databases to display,the machine ran
out of memory.
SystemAction: Processing continues.
User Response: Freeup some of the system memory and rerun the application.
ACO2589E The specified database objects are not available on the selectedADSM server
Explanation: An attempt was made to list the database objects that exist on an
ADSM server.However, there are no objects on the ADSM server selected for this
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Choosea server that has the database object, or backup the
database object to this specific server.
ACO2590W The amount of data exceeds the available buffer space for this query.Click OK
to see a partial list of objects.
Explanation: There was not enough buffer space to hold all of the information
from theADSM Server. However, a partial list was obtained.
SystemAction: Processing will continue showing the partial list.
User Response: Determineif this is okay. If not, free up some buffer space and
reissue the request.
ACO2592E ADSM server name required
Explanation: Avalue needs to be entered for the ADSM Server Name.
SystemAction: Processing has focus on theADSM Server Identifier.
User Response: Enteran ADSM Server name.
Version 3 Release 7