ANR6609I Machine machine name defined.
Explanation: ADEFINE MACHINE command has added the requested machine
to the server.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR6610E Command: Invalid recovery media name - recoverymedia name.
Explanation: The recovery media name specified in the command is invalid.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Issuethe command again and specify a valid recovery media
ANR6611E Command:Location information exceeds maximum length characters.
Explanation: The location specified in the command exceeds the maximum length
of allowable characters.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Issuethe command again and specify a valid location.
ANR6612I Machine machine name updated.
Explanation: An UPDATEMACHINE command has updated one or more
attributes of a machine.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR6613I Machine machine name deleted.
Explanation: ADELETE MACHINE command has deleted the requested machine
from the server.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR6614E Command: Machine machine name is not defined.
Explanation: The machine specified in the command is not defined to the server.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages