User Response: Use the -h or -help option to see what options are allowed on the
command-line, and then retry the request. If this problem continues, contact your
service representative.
ANS9254E Error encountered while adding implicit excludes to the include-exclude list.
Explanation: Error encountered when implicitly excluded files are being added to
the include-exclude list.
SystemAction: TSM cannot proceed.
User Response: Retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact your service
ANS9255E program-name: invalid value found in the dsmmigfstab file forfile system
Explanation: TSM detects invalid values in the dsmmigfstab file. The entry that
contains the invalid values is for file system file-spec
SystemAction: TSM cannot perform migration until the error is corrected in the
User Response: Find the invalid values in the table entry and correct them using
the dsmmigfs command or the HSM graphical user interface.
ANS9256E File ’file-namefile-namefile-name’ is currently opened by another process.File
Explanation: The specified file-name was not migrated because the file was open
by one or more other processes.
SystemAction: TSM left the file resident.
User Response: If you want the file migrated, stop the processes which currently
have the file open and retry the migration.
ANS9257E Server ’server-name’ does not support space management.
Explanation: The specified server-name does not support space management. It is
a downlevel server, or a platform that does not support space management.
SystemAction: TSM failed the operation.
User Response: If you want to use the space management function, make sure you
connect to a server that supports space management.
Version 3 Release 7