User Response: Retry the operation using the PARTNERLUNAMEoption.
ANS1453E APPC missing TP name.
Explanation: Atransaction program name is necessary to complete the operation.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Retry the operation using the TPNAME option.
ANS1454E APPC parameter error.
Explanation: Aparameter to an APPC communication call is in error.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: This usually indicates that an invalid transaction program name
has been given. Check this value and retry.
ANS1455E APPC product specific error.
Explanation: TSM detects an error that occurs when making anAPPC
communication call.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Be sure that LU6.2 is working properly at your installation.
Contact your support personnel.
ANS1456E APPC program error.
Explanation: An unexpectedAPPC communication error occurs.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: This is a program error.Contact your support personnel.
ANS1457E APPC program parameter check.
Explanation: Aparameter to an APPC communication call is in error.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: An invalid transaction program name has been given. Check this
value in the client configuration file (dsm.opt) and retry.
ANS1458E APPC program state check.
Explanation: An unexpectedAPPC communication error occurs.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: This is a program error.Contact your support personnel.
ANS1459E APPC resource error.
Explanation: The conversation ends prematurely.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Exit TSM and retry the TSM command.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
7. Client Common