ANR2486E Command: Invalid SQLcharacter arithmetic mode - SQL arithmetic mode.
Explanation: The command indicated contains an invalid SQL arithmetic mode
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Reissuethe command with a valid SQL arithmetic mode name.
ANR2487E Command:An SQL expression is required.
Explanation: The command indicated requires that an SQL expression be provided
through the SQL keyword parameter.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Reissuethe command specifying an SQL expression.
ANR2488W Volumelist file volume list file name could not be opened.
Explanation: While attempting to read or write a sequential file for volume list
information, the server cannot open the file name specified.
SystemAction: The server does not use the volume list file.
User Response: Examineerror messages that may have been displayed prior to
this message and correct any problems, if possible. For OUTFILE files, make sure
that the server has proper authority to write to the file indicated and that there is
sufficient space in the file system for the file. On MVS, make sure that the server
has authority to write to the data set.
ANR2489W An error was encountered writing to volume list filevolume list file name.
Explanation: While attempting to write to the sequential file for a volume list an
error occurs on the file name specified. The volume list is not be complete and
should not be used for input.
SystemAction: The server stops writing to the file.
User Response: Examineerror messages that may have been displayed prior to
this message and correct any problems, if possible. Make sure that the server has
proper authority to write to the file indicated and that there is sufficient space in the
file system for the file. On MVS, make sure that the server has authority to write to
the data set. Obtain the volume list from console messages, the QUERY
VOLHISTORYcommand or the volume history file, if it is used.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages