ANR5269I (S/390)Command not executed - insufficient database space.
Explanation: An administrative command has been issued, but there is insufficient
database space to complete the database transaction.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: To increase the amount of database space available to the server,
an authorized admininstrator can add database volumes using the DEFINE
DBVOLUME command, and extend the size of the database using the EXTEND
DB command.
ANR5270I (S/390)SMFWTM macro return code 40 (buffer shortage).
Explanation: SMFWTM completed with return code 40.
SystemAction: The server continues to operate.
User Response: IncreaseSMF buffer limit or disable server accounting.
ANR5280I (S/390)Command accepted.
Explanation: ADSMOP REPLY command is accepted.
SystemAction: The server processes the DSMOP REPLYcommand.
User Response: None.
ANR5281I (S/390)Request request number for volume ID canceled by user ID.
Explanation: Amount request is successfully canceled.
SystemAction: The system cancels the mount request.
User Response: None.
ANR5282I (S/390)Request request number for volume ID cancelled (PERM) by user ID.
Explanation: Amount request is successfully canceled with the PERM option.
SystemAction: The system cancels the mount request and marks the volume as
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7