ANS8495E Error while writing data (file name:line number) errorCode: error code
Explanation: An error occurs while writing data to the session.
SystemAction: The administrative client session ends.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
ANS8496E Error during session operation (file name:line number) errorcode: error code
Explanation: An error occurs during one of the following operations: 1.
Retrieving session description. 2. Initializing session description. 3. Initializing
window description. 4. Creating the session. 5. Writingtitle to the display. 6.
Writing prompt to the display.
SystemAction: The administrative client session ends.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
ANS8497E Get time operation failed (file name:line number) error code: error code
Explanation: An error occurs when getting system time.
SystemAction: The administrative client session ends.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
ANS8498E Get job information failed (file name:line number) error code: error code
Explanation: An error occurs while getting job information.
SystemAction: The administrative client session ends.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
ANS8499E Error occurs when sending messages (file name:line number) errorcode: error
Explanation: An error occurs when invoking the sending message api.
SystemAction: The administrative client continues.
User Response: None.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
14. Administrative
Command Line Client