ANR0832W Management class class name in domain domain name used by node node name
in filespace filespace name is no longer active, or no longer has anARCHIVE
copy group: DEFAULTmanagement class attributes will be used for expiration.
Explanation: During policy roll-off processing, the server found a client file copy
whose management class or archive copy group no longer exists.
SystemAction: The server obtains the DEFAULTmanagement class for the
specified domain and uses its archive copy group retention parameter to determine if
file copies need to be expired.
User Response: Noaction is required. Apolicy administrator with authority over
the specified domain may use the DEFINE COPYGROUP,DEFINE MGMTCLASS,
andACTIVATE POLICY commands to define and activate a policy set that contains
definitions for the missing management class or copy group.
ANR0833W The DEFAULTmanagement class class name in domain domain name does not
have anARCHIVE copy group: GRACE PERIOD will be used for expiration.
Explanation: During policy roll-off processing, the server found a client file copy
whose management class or archive copy group no longer exists. The DEFAULT
management class for the indicated policy domain does not contain an archive copy
group; therefore, the server uses the GRACE PERIOD retention value defined for
the specified policy domain to determine if client file copies need to be expired and
removed from the server database.
SystemAction: The server obtains the GRACE PERIOD retention values for the
specified domain and then determines if archive file copies need to be expired.
User Response: Noaction is required. Apolicy administrator with authority over
the specified domain may use the DEFINE COPYGROUP,DEFINE MGMTCLASS,
andACTIVATE POLICYSET commands to define and activate a policy set that
contains definitions for the missing management class or backup copy group.
ANR0834W Inventory client file expiration cannot start because of insufficient memory -
will retry in number of seconds seconds.
Explanation: The server inventory expiration process is pausing to retry an
operation that failed because sufficient memory is not available on the server.
SystemAction: Server operation continues; the expiration process will be retried
after the stated delay.
User Response: Allocateadditional storage to the server. For details, issue HELP
MEMORYto display the information online or see “Appendix A. Allocating
Additional Server Memory”.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages