error logA character file written on random access media that contains information about
errors detected by the server or client.
estimated capacity
The available space, in megabytes, of a storage pool.
EthernetA data link protocol and LAN that interconnects personal computers and
workstations via coaxial cable.
event (1)An administrative command or a client operation that is scheduled to be run
using TSM scheduling. (2)A message that a TSM server or client issues. Messages
can be logged using TSM event logging.
event record
Adatabase record that describes actual status and results for events.
event server
Aserver to which other servers can send events for logging. The event server routes
the events to any receivers that are enabled for the sending server’s events.
exclude The process of identifying files or directories in an include-exclude list to prevent
these objects from being backed up whenever a user or schedule issues an
incremental or selective backup operation, or to prevent these objects from being
migrated off the client node via TivoliSpace Manager space management.
exclude-include list
See include-exclude list.
exit Toexecute an instruction within a portion of a computer program in order to
terminate the execution of that portion.
exit machine
On a VM server,a virtual machine that runs the mount and deletion
installation-wide exits on VM systems.
The process by which files are identified for deletion because their expiration date
or retention period has passed. Backed up or archived files are marked expired by
TSM based on the criteria defined in the backup or archive copy group.
expiration date
On MVS, VM, and VSE servers, a device class attribute used to notify tape
management systems of the date when TSM no longer needs a tape volume. The
Version 3 Release 7