ANR2354E Command: Device class device class name is still referenced by one ormore
storage pools, or database backup or export volumes.
Explanation: The DELETE DEVCLASS command has attempted to delete a
device class that has storage pools assigned to it, or is referenced by database
backup or export volumes.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: IssueQ DEVCLASS to view the storage pool reference count, Q
STGPOOL to determine which pool references the device class, and QVOLHIST to
locate database backup or export volume references.
ANR2355E Command: Required parameter is missing - missing parameter.
Explanation: The specified server command has been entered without the required
parameter.The required parameter is shown.
SystemAction: The server ignores the command.
User Response: Reissuethe command and enter the proper syntax.
ANR2356E Command: Incompatible parameters specified - first parameter,second
Explanation: The specified server command has been entered with mutually
exclusive parameters. The two parameters are listed.
SystemAction: The server ignores the command.
User Response: Reissuethe command and enter the proper syntax.
ANR2357E Command: The DISK device class is not supported for copy storage pools.
Explanation: An attempt is made to define a copy storage pool using a device of
DISK. Copy storage pools can only be assigned to a sequential device class.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Reissuethe command specifying a sequential device class.
ANR2358E Command: Device class device class name is still referenced in the volume
history file.
Explanation: The DELETE DEVCLASS command has attempted to delete a
device class that is associate with entries in the volume history file. These entries
are for volumes that contain database backup or export data.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
Version 3 Release 7