ANR8307I Request number: Remove device type volume volume name from slot with element
number slot name of library library name; issue ’REPLY’along with the request
ID when ready.
Explanation: ACHECKOUT LIBVOLUME command has completed. You can
remove the volume from the slot with the specified element number and store it
outside the library.For the slot and element number diagram of your library, refer to
the documentation provided with the current ptf level or refer to the Administrator’s
Guide manual for your release and platform.
SystemAction: The server waits until a REPLYcommand is issued.
User Response: Removethe volume from the slot and store it in a safe place.
Issue a REPLYcommand, along with the request ID, to tell the server that the
volume has been removed. The volume can be returned to the library with the
ANR8307E (AS/400)
Command: Volumevolume name cannot be mounted on device device name.
Explanation: The attributes of the designated volume do not match the attributes
of the specified device. The volume cannot be mounted on the device.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Reissuethe command and specify a different device name.
ANR8308I Request number:device type volume volume name is required for use in library
library name; CHECKIN LIBVOLUME requiredwithin time limit minutes.
Explanation: Amount request has been made for a volume that is defined in a
storage pool, but which is currently checked out of the given library.
SystemAction: The server waits until it detects that the volume has been checked
into the library,or the time limit expires.
User Response: Obtainthe required volume, and insert it into the library by
issuing a CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command. Use the SWAP=YESoption of the
CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command if the library is currently full; this process
allows the server to select an appropriate volume to be swapped out in order to
make room for the required volume.
ANR8308E (AS/400)
Request number: Incorrect volume inserted into library library name.
Explanation: The user has inserted the wrong volume into the indicated library.
SystemAction: The volume is ejected, and the server continues to wait for the
requested volume to be inserted.
Version 3 Release 7