ANR0590E Import command: Processing terminated abnormally - server is down-level.
Explanation: Processing for the command import command ends when it is
determined that the server is down-level compared to the export data.
SystemAction: Import processing ends and server operation continues.
User Response: Importto a server that is at the same or later level than the server
from which the export was performed.
ANR0591E Export/import command: Invalid value for FILELIST parameter - parameter
Explanation: The value (parameter value) specified for the FILELIST parameter
in command export/import command is not a valid value for this parameter.
SystemAction: The command fails and server operation continues.
User Response: Reissuethe command and specify a valid FILELIST parameter.
For information on valid values for the FILELIST parameter for the command, refer
to the Administrator’sReference for your particular platform.
ANR0592E Export/import command: Invalid value for TOCparameter - parameter value.
Explanation: The value (parameter value) specified for the TOC parameter in
command export/import command is not a valid value for this parameter.
SystemAction: The command fails and server operation continues.
User Response: Reissuethe command and specify a valid TOC parameter. For
information on valid values for the TOC parameter for the command, refer to the
Administrator’sReference for your particular platform.
ANR0593E Export/import command: Invalid value for NOSPANparameter - parameter
Explanation: The value (parameter value) specified for the NOSPANparameter in
command export/import command is not a valid value for this parameter.
SystemAction: The command fails and server operation continues.
User Response: Reissuethe command and specify a valid NOSPAN parameter.
For information on valid values for the NOSPANparameter for the command, refer
to the Administrator’sReference for your particular platform.
ANR0594E device class: NOSPANparameter can only be used with a 3590 device class.
Explanation: The device class specified must be a 3590 device class when
NOSPANis set to True.
Version 3 Release 7