Table5. Operation Code Values for Tape Library Devices (continued)

Hexadecimal Name Description
X'6D38' MTIOCLQMID Querythe status of the operation for a given
message ID.
X'6D39' MTIOCLSDC Assign a category to the automatic cartridge
loader for a specified device.
Common Values for ASC and ASCQ Codes
This section provides descriptions for common values of the ASC
and ASCQ codes, which are bytes 12 and 13 for SCSI-2 devices. For
Windows NT,these codes also appear in the Event Log. See
“Windows NT Event Log Entries”on page 1402.
See server message ANR8300E or ANR8302E for the recommended
The following table provides descriptions for common values of the
ASC and ASCQ codes. Each value has a prefix of 0x, which
indicates that it is a hexadecimal constant.

Table6. Common Values for ASC and ASCQ Codes

ASC ASCQ Description
0x00 0x00 No additional sense
0x00 0x01 Filemark detected
0x00 0x02 End-of-medium detected
0x00 0x03 Setmark detected
0x00 0x04 Beginning of medium
0x00 0x05 End of data
0x00 0x06 I/O process terminated
0x02 0x00 No seek complete
0x03 0x00 Device write fault
0x03 0x01 No write current
0x03 0x02 Excessive write errors
0x04 0x00 Logical unit not ready
Version 3 Release 7