ANR8863I Unlocking library library name volumes from theACSLS server.
Explanation: The volumes of the specified library are being unlocked from the
ACSLS server.
SystemAction: The operation continues. The process may take a while depends
on the number of volumes in the library.
User Response: None.
ANR8864I ACSLS library library name is being re-initialized.
Explanation: The specifiedACSLS library is being re-initialized.
SystemAction: The operation continues. The process may take a while depends
on the number of volumes in the library.All volumes in the library are being
User Response: None.
ANR8865W Volumevolume name bypassed for command, status=acs_status.
Explanation: The specified volume is bypassed. The volume is not in a valid
status for the specified function.
SystemAction: The operation continues.
User Response: Determinethe volume status from the ACSSAand re-issue the
command if necessary.
ANR8866E Incompatibleoption REMOVE=BULK for ACSLS libraries.
Explanation: The REMOVE=BULK option is not supported forACSLS libraries.
The final response ofACSAPI acs_eject does not return to the application until the
volume is removed from CAP.
SystemAction: The command fails.
User Response: Reissuethe CHECKOUT LIBVOL command and specify
ANR8867I Processing volume volume id for the command command.
Explanation: The specified volume is being processed for the specified command.
SystemAction: The command process continues.
User Response: None.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages