ANR4006I Command: Volumevolume number written by process is volume name.
Explanation: Asequential data process wrote to the volume named in the series of
one or more volumes that were used to store output. The volume’sposition in the
series in indicated by the volume number reported.
SystemAction: The server ends processing.
User Response: None.
ANR4007E Command:A transaction error was encountered in recording volume usage
Explanation: The command process encounters a database transaction error in
recording the names of the volumes used for the process in the server database.
SystemAction: The server ends processing.
User Response: Examinepreviously issued messages to determine if there is an
error that can be corrected, such as a syntax error.If you cannot resolve the error,
contact your service representative. The volumes used by the process are valid for
the corresponding input process, but are not recorded in sequential volume history
lists generated by the server.
ANR4008W Load command: Database object object name does not exist.
Explanation: The database load process attempts to delete a database object, but
the object does not exist.
SystemAction: Database processing continues.
User Response: None.
ANR4009E Load command: Database object object name cannot be deleted because it is in
use by another process.
Explanation: The database load process attempts to delete a database object, but
the object is currently being used by another process.
SystemAction: Database processing ends.
User Response: Reissuethe command. If it fails, contact your service
ANR4010E Dump/load command: Database dump/load processing failed - insufficient
Explanation: The database dump/load process fails due to insufficient memory.
SystemAction: Database processing ends.
Version 3 Release 7