ANS1141W Unknown command - command-name
Explanation: Youentered an incorrect command-name.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Enterthe correct command.
ANS1143E The DIRSONLYand FILESONLY options are not valid together
Explanation: The DIRSONLYand FILESONLY options cannot be used together.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Try again using either the DIRSONLYor the FILESONLY
ANS1144W Password authentication not active on server
Explanation: None.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Becausepassword authentication is turned off on the server, you
do not need to update the password.
ANS1145E Maximum macro nesting level exceeded.
Explanation: Toomany levels of macro nesting are encountered.
SystemAction: The macro is ignored and an error is returned.
User Response: Reducethe level of macro nesting.
ANS1146E Macro file ’file spec’ cannot be opened.
Explanation: Amacro command has been entered that specifies the macro file
name shown. However, that file cannot be opened for reading.
SystemAction: The macro is ignored and an error is returned.
User Response: Enterthe command with the proper macro name.
ANS1148I ’Command-name’command successfully completed
Explanation: The specified command-name was successfully completed.
SystemAction: TSM completed the command.
User Response: Continuewith normal operations.
ANS1149E No domain available for incremental backup
Explanation: An incremental backup was started, but no domain was selected.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Choosea domain and restart the incremental backup.
ANS1159E The specified file is being used by another process
Explanation: The specified file is being used by another process. Youtried to read
from or write to a file that is currently being used by another process.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
8. Command–Line Client