ANR1680E command: Member member name not defined in server group server groupname.
Explanation: The member member name is not defined in server group server
group name.
SystemAction: The command fails.
User Response: Retrythe command specifying an existing member of the group.
ANR1681E command: Member member name is already in server group server groupname.
Explanation: The member member name is defined in server group server group
SystemAction: The command fails.
User Response: Retrythe command and specify a new member name.
ANR1682E Agroup cannot be a member of itself.
Explanation: The member and group name are the same.A group may not be a
member of itself.
SystemAction: The command fails.
User Response: Retrythe command and specify another member name.
ANR1683E command: Member member name not defined.
Explanation: The member member name is not defined to the system. Server
group members must be a defined server or server group.
SystemAction: The command fails.
User Response: Retrythe command specifying existing server or group.
ANR1684E route:command: Routed commands cannot be routed.
Explanation: The command part of a routed command may not contain route
information itself. The allowable syntax for routed commands is “:”. The command
may not contain route information. Only one level of routing is allowed.
SystemAction: Routed commands where the command portion contains additional
routing information are not processed.
User Response: Reissuethe command without specifying route information in the
command portion of this routed command.
Version 3 Release 7