users’backed-up files. For example, users can copy a backup version of a file from
the storage pool to the workstation. The backup version in the storage pool is not
affected. Contrast with backup.
retentionThe amount of time, in days, that inactive backed up or archived files are kept in
the storage pool before they are deleted. Copy group attributes and default retention
grace periods for the domain define retention.
retention period
On an MVS server, a device class attribute that specifies how long files are retained
on sequential access media. When used, TSM passes this information to the MVS
operating system to ensure that other tape management systems do not overwrite
tape volumes that contain retained data.
retrieve Afunction that allows users to copy an archive copy from the storage pool to the
workstation. The archive copy in the storage pool is not affected. Contrast with
rollback Toremove changes that were made to database files since the last commit point.
root userIn the AIX and UNIX environments, a user who has superuser authority.The user
can log in and execute restricted commands, shut down the system, and edit or
delete protected files.
schedule Adatabase record that describes scheduled client operations or administrative
commands. See administrative command schedule and client schedule.
scheduling mode
The type of scheduling operation set for the server and client. TSM supports two
scheduling modes for client operations: client-polling and server-prompted.
scratch volume
Avolume that is available for TSM use. The volume is labeled, is either blank or
contains no valid data, and is not defined to TSM.
script See TSM command script.
SCSI Small computer system interface.
Version 3 Release 7