ANR8767I Number of volumes processed: number volumes processed.Volumes sent to
library library name for checkout: number volumes sent.
Explanation: The MOVE MEDIAcommand has processed the number of volumes
shown. Currently,the MOVE MEDIA command has sent for processing the number
of volumes shown to the library shown. This message may be displayed in response
to a QUERYPROCESS command for a MOVE MEDIA command.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR8769E Externalmedia management function request type returned result=result.
Explanation: Arequest of the indicated function type was sent to the external
library manager program, which returned a result code which was not SUCCESS.
SystemAction: The server continues, but the server operation that was being
attempted fails.
User Response: Consultthe documentation for the external media management
program to determine how to recover from the error condition. Then attempt the
server operation again.
ANR8770W Unable to load external library manager filespec.
Explanation: Alibrary of LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL is defined but the server cannot
load the external library manager.
SystemAction: The server continues, but the external library cannot be accessed.
User Response: Verify that the EXTERNALMANAGER parameter for the
external library is specified correctly on the DEFINE LIBRARYor UPDATE
ANR8771E Volume volume name in library library name is deleted. External Library is not
synchronized with the server.Audit required.
Explanation: The server deleted a volume from its inventory,and its attempt to
inform the external library manager has failed.
SystemAction: The server may continue to access the library,but some volumes
may not be accessible until the external library is synchronized with the server.
User Response: Performthe appropriate type of processing on the external library
in order to synchronize it with the server.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages