ANR0540W Retrieve or restore failed forsession session number for node node name (client
platform) - data integrity error detected.
Explanation: The server ends a file retrieval operation for the specified session
because an internal database integrity error has been encountered on the server.
SystemAction: The server ends the specified session and continues operation.
User Response: Contactyour service representative.
ANR0541W Retrieve or restore failed forsession session number for node node name (client
platform) - error on input storage device.
Explanation: The server ends a client retrieval or restore operation for the
specified session because an I/O error has been encountered by the server in reading
from a device.
SystemAction: The server ends the specified session and server operation
User Response: Querythe activity log to find messages preceding this one that
specify the device that is failing. Storage pool volumes can be varied offline (by
using the VARYOFFLINE command), or the server may need to be shut down by
using the HALTcommand to correct the hardware problem. After the problem is
corrected, the client may try the operation again.
ANR0542W Retrieve or restore failed forsession session number for node node name (client
platform) - storage media inaccessible.
Explanation: The server ends a client retrieval or restore operation for the
specified session because a needed storage pool volume has been varied offline.
SystemAction: The server ends the specified session and server operation
User Response: Usethe VARYONLINE command to vary offline storage
volumes online in the storage hierarchy,and make them available to client nodes for
file storage.
ANR0543W Retrieve or restore failed forsession session number for node node name (client
platform) - data transfer interrupted.
Explanation: The database transaction associated with session session number was
aborted because data transfer to or from data storage was interrupted by an external
SystemAction: The session is canceled and server operation continues.
Version 3 Release 7