SystemAction: Server operation continues. Configuration refresh processing
User Response: Notifythe administrator of the configuration manager.
ANR3168E Configuration manager server name aborted configuration refresh processing
due to an internal error.
Explanation: While receiving configuration information from the specified
configuration manager, processing ended prematurely because of an internal error on
the configuration manager.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. Configuration refresh processing
User Response: Examinethe activity log of the configuration manager for
messages that explain the cause of the internal error.
ANR3169E Configuration manager server name aborted configuration refresh processing
due to a lock conflict.
Explanation: While receiving configuration information from the specified
managed server, processing ended prematurely because of a lock conflict on the
configuration manager.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. Configuration refresh processing
User Response: Retrythe configuration refresh by issuing the SET
CONFIGREFRESH command (using the current refresh interval value). If this
problem persists, contact your service representative.
ANR3170E Configuration manager server name aborted configuration refresh processing
due to a protocol error.
Explanation: While receiving configuration information from the specified
configuration manager, processing ended prematurely because of a protocol error
detected on the configuration manager.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. Configuration refresh processing
User Response: Retrythe configuration refresh by issuing the SET
CONFIGREFRESH command (using the current refresh interval value). If this
problem persists, contact your service representative.
Version 3 Release 7