ANR5357E (S/390)ManualRewind/Rewind-Unload on device real address.
Explanation: The Rewind Unload switch or the Rewind switch on the drive has
been pressed.
SystemAction: The server verifies the volume label and attempts to reposition the
tape and continue operation. If the volume label verification fails, the server marks
the volume in the unavailable state. If the reposition fails, the server marks the
volume in the I/O error state.
User Response: Ifthe server succeeds in its recovery, no action is required. If
recovery is unsuccessful, you can reset the error status of the volume with the
UPDATEVOLUME command. Volume integrity may have been compromised.
Issue the DELETE VOLUME command with the DISCARD=NO option to try to
recover any data.
ANR5358E (S/390)Requestnumber: I/O Error at beginning of tape on real address.
Explanation: An I/O error has occurred attempting to mount a tape volume; the
beginning of the volume cannot be detected.
SystemAction: The server places the volume in an I/O error state.
User Response: Theintegrity of the volume may have been compromised. Reset
the error condition with the UPDATEVOLUME command and attempt the
operation on a different tape drive. If the problem persists, you can delete the
volume with the DELETE VOLUME command, by using the DISCARD=NO
ANR5359E (S/390)Requestnumber: Cartridge Length Error on device real address.
Explanation: Atape cartridge has been mounted that is too short for processing on
the drive.
SystemAction: The server marks the volume in an I/O error condition and
requests another volume be mounted.
User Response: Replyto the new mount request. If necessary, reset the error
condition with the UPDATEVOLUME command. The integrity of the original
volume may have been compromised. Todelete the volume, issue the DELETE
VOLUME command with the DISCARD=NO option.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages