ANR9683W (S/390)
command: Cannot generate fully qualified file name for ’name’. Preparewill
substitute file name ’default name’.
Explanation: The fully qualified name for the volume history or device
configuration file specified in the message could not be determined. Either the
volume history or device configuration file specified in the plan file does not exist
or some other error has occurred.
SystemAction: Recovery plan file was created using the substitute name.
User Response: Reissuethe command after the volume history or device
configuration file has been backed up.
ANR9683E (Windows NT)
command: Cannot generate fully qualified file name for ’name’.
Explanation: Afailure occurred expanding the specified file name.
SystemAction: Recovery plan file not created.
User Response: Reissuethe command specifying a valid prefix. The following
commands are used to specify the prefix:
ANR9684E (AIX) command: Cannot generate server options file name.
Explanation: Afailure occurred generating the server options file name.
SystemAction: Recovery plan file not created.
User Response: Seeaccompanying messages for more information.
ANR9684E (AS/400)
command: Cannot generate server options file name.
Explanation: Afailure occurred generating the server options file name.
SystemAction: Recovery plan file not created.
User Response: Seeaccompanying messages for more information.
Version 3 Release 7