ANR4676E Unable to register another server.
Explanation: The SNMP subagent received a request to register a new server and
was unable to allocate the memory necessary to register the new server.
SystemAction: The subagent will not register the new server.
User Response: Contactyour service representative.
ANR4677I Session established with server name: The name of the registered server..
Explanation: The SNMP subagent completed the registration of the identified
SystemAction: The subagent will wait for additional requests from the server.
User Response: None.
ANR4678I Session closed with server name: The name of the deregistered server..
Explanation: The SNMP subagent completed the deregistration of the identified
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR4679W Messages are no longer being forwarded to the SNMPsubagent.
Explanation: The server has encountered multiple errors in forwarding messages
to the SNMP subagent. Messages are no longer being forwarded.
SystemAction: The server continues operating, but messages are no longer being
User Response: Messageforwarding can be re-initialized by either stopping the
server and re-starting it. Message forwarding will also be re-started if the heartbeat
function is in use and the server re-synchronizes with the subagent. This
re-synchronization occurs if the subagent, dsmsnmp, is stopped for longer than a
single heartbeat interval (the heartbeat interval is a server option and appears in the
output of the QUERYOPT command) and then restarted.
ANR4680I DPI subagent (The subagent name.): ″Connected″or ″reconnected″, ready to
receive requests.
Explanation: The subagent has successfully connected or reconnected to the
SNMP agent.
SystemAction: The subagent is ready to receive requests from servers.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
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