SystemAction: TSM terminates the operation.
User Response: Enterthe command again, using either the -a option, or the name
of one or more file systems, but not both.
ANS9009W program-name: no file system specified.
Explanation: Youdid not include the name of a file system as part of the
argument to this command.
SystemAction: TSM terminates the operation.
User Response: Enterthe command again, including the name of one or more file
ANS9012E error-program:Command must be run by root user.
Explanation: TSM requires that a root user perform this operation.
SystemAction: TSM terminates the operation.
User Response: Changeto root user, and then retry the operation.
ANS9016E Cannot get space management migration status for path.
Explanation: An error occurred while trying to get the space management
migration status. Either the permissions for the status file are not set correctly,or
the status file is damaged.
SystemAction: TSM terminates the operation.
User Response: Theroot user should check the permissions of the status file, or
contact the service representative.
ANS9017W error-program:Minimum number of recall daemons min-dsmrecalld cannot be
greater than maximum number of recalldaemons max-dsmrecalld; defaulting to
minimum min-dsmrecalld and maximum max-dsmrecalld.
Explanation: Aminimum number of recall daemons has been entered that is
greater than the maximum number of recall daemons.
SystemAction: TSM uses defaults instead of the values specified in the client
system options file (dsm.sys).
User Response: Correctthe MINRECALLDAEMONS and
MAXRECALLDAEMONS options in the client system options file and retry the
Version 3 Release 7