SystemAction: Server operation continues. The server continues to communicate
with clients but performance is degraded.
User Response: Ensurethat not too many TCP/IP sessions are running at the same
time. Increasing TCP/IPdata buffers can alleviate the problem.
ANR8203E (HP-UX)
Unable to initialize TCP/IPdriver - listen operation failed; error error code.
Explanation: The server is unable to initialize the TCP/IPdriver due to a socket
listen error.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but TCP/IPsupport is inoperative.
User Response: Ensurethat TCP/IP is operational on your system by using the
ping command with your TCP/IPaddress as a target. If TCP/IP is not active on your
system, you must activate it; then halt and restart the server.
ANR8203E (Solaris)
Unable to initialize TCP/IPdriver - listen operation failed; error error code.
Explanation: The server is unable to initialize the TCP/IPdriver due to a socket
listen error.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but TCP/IPsupport is inoperative.
User Response: Ensurethat TCP/IP is operational on your system by using the
ping command with your TCP/IPaddress as a target. If TCP/IP is not active on your
system, you must activate it; then halt and restart the server.
ANR8203W (Windows NT)
Unable to establish TCPconnection - accept error.
Explanation: The server cannot accept a client session due to failure in TCP/IP.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the server cannot accept sessions
from clients using the TCP/IPprotocol.
User Response: Ensurethat TCP/IP is operational on your system by using the
ping command with your TCP/IPaddress as a target. If TCP/IP is not started, issue
the HALTcommand to stop the server, and then restart the server.
ANR8204W (AIX)Unable to establish TCP connection - insufficient memory.
Explanation: The server cannot accept a client session due to a memory allocation
request failure.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages