User Response: Torecover the damaged file use the RESTORE STGPOOL or
ANR2309E The server log mode is currently set to roll-forward.You may run out of log
space when auditing the server in this mode. Specify LOGMODE=NORMALto
set the log mode to NORMALfor the audit operation, or
LOGMODE=ROLLFORWARDto force the audit operation with the logmode
set to roll-forward.
Explanation: AnAUDITDB operation was specified and the server log mode is
set to roll-forward mode. When in roll-forward mode, the server may run out of log
space during theAUDITDB operation, requiring an emergency extend of the
recovery log to re-start the server.The recommended log mode for executing an
AUDITDB operation is NORMAL.
SystemAction: The AUDITDB operation fails
User Response: Toforce the server log mode to NORMAL for the AUDITDB
operation, specify LOGMODE=NORMAL on theAUDITDB command. Specify
LOGMODE=ROLLFORWARDon the AUDITDB command to allow the audit to
run with a roll-forward log mode setting.
ANR2310W This command will compare all inventory references to volumevolume name
with the actual data stored on the volume and will report any discrepancies;
the data will be inaccessible to users until the operation completes.
Explanation: During the execution of anAUDIT VOLUME command, any data
the volume named would be unavailable to users.
SystemAction: The administrator is asked whether to continue.
User Response: Enter 'Y' to audit the volume or 'N' to stop the process.
ANR2311W This command will discard any inventory references to volume volume name
associated with missing or inconsistent stored data, thereby renderingthe data
unrecoverable; the valid data on the volume will be inaccessible to users until
the operation completes.
Explanation: During the execution of anAUDIT VOLUME command, any data
the volume named would be unavailable to users.After the command has ended,
any inconsistent data found will be discarded.
SystemAction: The administrator is asked whether to continue.
User Response: Enter 'Y' to audit the volume or 'N' to stop the process.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages