ANR2030E Commit not accepted; transaction failed.
Explanation: Acommand that is part of the current transaction has failed;
therefore, a COMMIT command cannot be processed.
SystemAction: The server does not process the COMMIT command.
User Response: Stopthe administrative session, restart it, and try the command
again. If this problem persists, contact your service representative.
ANR2031E Command:At least one attribute must be specified for update.
Explanation: The specified UPDATEcommand has been entered, but no attributes
have been specified for updating.
SystemAction: The server ignores the command.
User Response: Reissuethe UPDATEcommand with one or more attributes to be
ANR2032E Command: Command failed - internal server errordetected.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred during an attempt to process a server
command. This message always accompanies another error message and provides
more detail about that error.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Examinethe server messages issued prior to this message to
determine the source of the error.Issue the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated and resolved,
contact your service representative.
ANR2033E Command: Command failed - lock conflict.
Explanation: Aserver command that requires the server to lock a system resource
has been entered. The command cannot be executed because the resource is already
in use by another command or process.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Try the command again at a later time.
ANR2034E Command: No match found using this criteria.
Explanation: The specified command has been entered, but no objects that match
the criteria can be found.
SystemAction: None.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages