ANR4517E No files have been defined for storing sequential volume history information -
information cannot be read.
Explanation: The server is attempting to read from at least one of the volume
history files defined in the server options file. Since no files were defined for this
information the read operation fails.
SystemAction: Server operation ends.
User Response: You can restore the database specifying the volume names for
each restore operation (in order) up to the desired point-in-time. If a volume history
file is available, specify its name in the server options file and retry the operation.
ANR4518E Volumehistory file file name line line number does not have the proper format -
read operation fails.
Explanation: The server is attempting to read from a volume history file and
encounters a record that does not have the proper format.
SystemAction: Server operation terminates.
User Response: Examinethe file specified to determine if the invalid record can
be located and corrected. If the file is corrupted or does not contain valid volume
history entries, it cannot be used for the desired operation.
ANR4549I Database dump command:A database dump is already in progress.
Explanation: This message is issued in response to a database dump command
and indicates that a database dump cannot be started because a dump is already in
SystemAction: Server operation continues. The requested database dump is not
User Response: Onlyone database dump can be started at one time. Use the
QUERYPROCESS command to monitor the dump that is in progress. When
completed, issue the database dump command to start another database dump if
ANR4550I Full database backup (process process ID) complete, number of database pages
pages copied.
Explanation: Afull database backup process has completed. The output volumes
used in this backup may be used during a database restore operation.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7