Asystem architecture in which one or more programs (clients) request computing or
data services from another program (server).
client system options file
Afile, used on UNIX clients, containing a set of processing options that identify the
TSM servers to be contacted for services. This file also specifies communication
methods and options for backup, archive, hierarchical storage management, and
scheduling.Also called the dsm.sys file. See also client user options file.
client user options file
Auser-created file, used on UNIX clients, containing a set of processing options
that identify the server, communication method, backup and archive options, space
management options, and scheduling options.Also called the dsm.opt file. See also
client system options file.
closed registration
Aregistration process in which an administrator must register workstations as client
nodes with the server.Contrast with open registration.
Aprocess that attempts to keep all data belonging to a single client node or a single
client file space on a minimal number of sequential access media volumes within a
storage pool. Collocation can reduce the number of volumes that must be accessed
when a large amount of data must be restored.
commit Tomake changes permanent in the database. Changes made to the database files are
not permanent until they are committed.
Common Programming Interface Communications (CPI-C)
Aprogramming interface that allows program-to-program communication using
SNALU6.2. See also Systems Network Architecture.
Common User Access
Guidelines for the dialog between a human and a workstation or terminal. One of
the three SystemsApplication Architecture areas.
communication manager
Acomponent of OS/2 that allows a workstation to connect to a host computer and
use the host resources as well as the resources of other personal computers to which
the workstation is attached, either directly or through a host.
communication method
The method used by a client and server for exchanging information.
communication protocol
Aset of defined interfaces that allow computers to communicate with each other.
Version 3 Release 7